Od kilku dni wyspy (United Kingdom and Ireland) live discussion on racism, which is rife among the inhabitants. The discussion was triggered video clip, który został zamieszczony na serwisie YouTube.34 letnia mieszkanka New Addington w Croydon, in south London, została nagrana read more…


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Financial crisis, which is now mired Ireland may cause, that the Luas (tram), which originally was to be built will not be, and we will have peace in our ulicy.Wczoraj Minister of Transport announced, Metro West that the project is suspended. Ten read more…

Gazeta Wyborcza Szczecin interested in recent days to buy public transport tickets from the bus driver or tram, rather, the bandwidth problems associated. This is interesting (and annoying at the same time), that passenger transport in Szczecin has disproportionately many responsibilities read more…