According to current reports, more than half a million people in Ireland is – after paying all the major bills – “penniless” at the end of the month. Only a third of the population is able to save money each month. That is not so “pink” as it may read more…


It was not long to wait for responses to this article. Today, Irish Independent describes as Magda uses a system in Ireland, drawing on the same benefits (courses, JA), and she does not want to just walk on the beaches of County Donegal. In the paper read more…


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Financial crisis, which is now mired Ireland may cause, that the Luas (tram), which originally was to be built will not be, and we will have peace in our ulicy.Wczoraj Minister of Transport announced, Metro West that the project is suspended. Ten read more…

This time it fell into electricity. Increases risk of Bord Gais, company that only dealt with the first delivery of gas to homes and businesses, and later expanded its range of electricity. After the Bord Gais has offered potential customers the option of paying for gas read more…

This afternoon the European Central Bank has raised interest rates by 0.25%, and hence all the banks in Europe, probably will increase interest rates on home loans and home. In Ireland at this time, you can get two types of loans: read more…

I love this time of year when you renew a license, ubezpiecznie or you just have to be something to pay more money. You may not like every, but certainly like most people try to pay as little as possible for the service (I, that read more…