It seems, that the ruling party Fine Gael can not cope with racist sentiment among the members of his party. First, the mayor says Cavan, would not be representative of the dark-skinned inhabitants of the city, and now councilor of Fine Gael read more…

And again showed Ryanair, passengers that is for nothing. From 15 December will increase the price for luggage, who are traveling with 20 € to 25 € during the summer season (from June to September) and Christmas period. By Michael O’ Leary, the owners of Ryanair, read more…

We live in Ireland a few years, but only today learned of quite an unusual day, który przypada 8 December. Is celebrated as the day of conception of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Once it was a day off from school, Catholic schools are only exempt their read more…

…do not be too worried. Grupa z Hiszpanią i Włochami może jest ciężka, but the fans here are more optimistic and further planning, that next year will stay in Poland longer than three games only Irish team. The Irish can not play read more…

Od kilku dni wyspy (United Kingdom and Ireland) live discussion on racism, which is rife among the inhabitants. The discussion was triggered video clip, which was posted on YouTube. 34 year-old resident of New Addington in Croydon, in south London, was read more…

It's this time of year when we begin to bombard everywhere Christmas. Shop Windows, decorations on the houses and… Christmas songs played on the station radjiowej. I do not know whether in Poland on the radio now reigns with his Wham “Last Christmas” and read more…

Death of Education announced on Thursday, marching through the town Irish students. Szli ulicami centrum tworząc symboliczny kondukt pogrzebowy idący za trumną symbolizującą śmierć edukacji na poziomie akademickim. Marsz został zorganizowany przez Irlandzki Związek Studentów (USES), as part of a broader campaign, against as provided for in read more…

I made the decision, I will not represent the community of African – said in a radio interview with Darren Scully, Mayor Irish Naas. After this program has ceased to be mayor. Naas is a city of medium size city located near Dublin. Belonging to the ruling party, Fine read more…

In all the portals in Ireland and Great Britain was given information about a dog named niesubordynowanym Fenton. Well, Fenton being on a walk with his master in Richmond Park in London, said, that deer, which are located in the park read more…

Without a ticket, za to w loży dla VIP-ów obejrzal mecz swojej ukochanej drużyny irlandzki kibic. And all thanks to… Estonian dresowi, który znalazł na korytarzu. Although barażowe emotions associated with the Euro 2012 have fallen, come to light as exciting events, which sections to be read more…