Od rana wszystkie rozgłośnie radiowe mówią dziś o sytuacji na rynku IT w Irlandii.

Almost 1000 people from outside the European Union has been employed in IT positions. Some of them with a salary 75 000 €. All because, Irish companies that have not been able to find Irish workers.

From the Department of Labor data shows, that last year was spent 932 permission to work in the IT sector (compared to 551 issued in year 2010). Of course, these numbers do not show the staff of the European Union, who were employed in IT.

Na dzień dzisiejszy zarejestrowanych jako bezrobotni jest 434 tys. people. Rząd za pomocą kursów próbuje zachęcić bezrobotnych do wybrania kariery w IT i podniesienia swoich umiejętności.

Among the companies, which last year hired workers from outside the European Union are Wipro Technologies, Facebook i Google. Meanwhile, earlier this year after the permit have occurred Ericsson, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft i Paypal.

It must be remembered, that in order to get permission to work for the prospective employee must be “do everything, as possible”, first to employ Irish workers (advertisements in newspapers and in the employment office must be udekumentowane) and then you can apply for a work permit.

In Ireland, so they are more industries, where you can find a job. It is true that require specialized skills, but still.