Guinness – poster

The pessimistic scenario is repeated every year on Good Friday. More than half of Ireland's tourist attractions are closed. Usually every Friday evening Irish mass scrolls through the streets of the capital from one pub and the next. Today this is not the. Today, the streets you will see only tourists, who will at most be able to watch the interior of the pub through the window.

Traditionally on Good Friday all pubs are closed. All liquor stores are closed on Thursday at 10 evening 36 hours. Nowhere uraczysz a dark Guinness on Good Friday.

Although this practice is quite old, part of the Irish people forget about him. Sometimes the face before his pub and wonder why the doors do not disappear, when you twist the handle. For some days without the traditional pub is a torment, and even obtain a copy of your favorite beverage before the store does not help. What can we then say… Hold on, yet only 14 hours and pubs will be open.