
Irish shore - Irish Independent

It was not long to wait for responses to this article. Today, Irish Independent describes as Magda uses a system in Ireland, drawing on the same benefits (courses, JA), and she does not want to just walk on the beaches of County Donegal.
The article written in the Irish Independent can read about the outrage of Senator Jimmy Harte of coalition Labour Party. He talks about, that Magda lives in Donegal as in Hawaii and only uses the legal system. The Senator also mentions this, Magda that shithole called Donegal…
Unfortunately, newspaper and Senator relied on a very weak translation of the Gazeta Wyborcza OF ARTICLE. The forums already is full of information, that Magda was namówiona labor office by an employee to benefit from the project help your business premise – spa (must be unemployed two years), that speaks of Donegal in superlatives and I do not want to be a parasite, who lives at the expense of other.

Irish Independent newspaper has already announced, correct an article that translation. Unfortunately, the first translation in the world went (Ireland).

Link to artykułu w Irish Independent –>