I just discovered the relationship between altitude and ‘ upierdliwością’ Tourist.
When you are in Nice or Antibes, next to the Mediterranean you can find very annoying tourists, who only require, can not wait for your turn. Maybe one day they were nice, but left it in your country. Impatient, unkind, the word sorry, Please do not hear. It is not surprising, że nie wszyscy pracujący nad morzem ‘dla’ tourists are patient. Sometimes it strives to support, who kicked you in the most posterior part of the body.
But just, that you go inland, a little higher, and everything changes. Tourists are becoming dearer, more smiles, more friendly. Fewer English-speaking people meet here. A known, upierdliwych fewer tourists, who can not pass, what they are getting the locals are more satisfied.
Even if you can only get along in sign language, never mind, also well. Important that you are the tourist, who resides a few hundred meters above sea level, you're nice and treat local people as equals.
Perhaps the mountain air so it works on tourist, or perhaps the lack of breeze from the sea that runs on a tourist. W każdym bądź razie na dzień dzisiejszy ‘dobry turysta’ is directly proportional to the height above sea level (works at least in France, also tested in the Bieszczady).