Myself humming the song (link) when we drove our car almost (about this in another post) do St. Tropez. Of course, most whistled under his breath to the theme of “Gendarme”. Also wanted, zapomniełem but unfortunately as it flew.

To be honest the only reason, for which we went to St. Tropez była chęć zobaczenia miejsc gdzie kręcono ‘Żandarma”, and above all, the old police station. In addition, we found, he can visit this famous city, about which so much is said and where resting stars.

We parked our car right next to the old police station, who is constantly besieged by tourists who want to do the commemorative photo. And for a few extra moniaków you can take a picture of policeman (film-era clothing). W of Louisa masce Finesa pan wygląda in performera, but it turns out to przyglądnięciu, However, the artist is no, and popijającym a beer, Russian dorabiającym.

Later we went to the old town and harbor. On all streets crowds. It's hard not to push. To this the old city can drive cars, niebardzo so you can move on foot through the streets. Mainly branded stores, Tourists dressed more elegantly than in the area of ​​Nice. And besides, nothing interesting. Maybe port with yachts and painters issuing his paintings for sale are still bearable, but that's it. Even the citadel towering over the city is not stirred. It has a big potencial, but unfortunately neglected. Nobody has restored its (or maybe just the work in progress so you can not see), invisible path. Well, that admission only 2,5 €.

And now the best… Back to Nice. Do Autostrada A8, which leads in the direction of Monaco can be reached by only one path. More than 13 km single lane just above the water. It would seem, that there could be more interesting. Well, it can be boring if you beat your first 4 km at a rate of 2 km per hour. Even you, who rides a bicycle and sells ice cream and water, the tourists chose this route for the workplace. I just put the bike on the side of the road and the 2 € from a small bottle of mineral water sold wycięczonym drivers.

St. Tropez – only for the gendarme, the rest overrated.