This is a question we ask ourselves from today. Ryanair again surprised us. It turned out, that he does not have any flights until the end of the bristles from Dublin. Similarities to the situation with flights to Berlin from the line. Despite, that 19 September read more…

Friends told me on facebook, that in Szczecin was opened cafe bike. I began to browse the website in search of Szczecin details. It turned out, the cafe is on wheels, exactly on bicycle wheels. The owner rebuilt the bike as, to be able to brew gourmet coffee on read more…

It is said, that Poland is a country churchyard, that the church interferes with politics, that many in the clergy can. Większość społeczeństwa polskiego domaga się by religia była wycofana ze szkół i wróciła do salek katechetycznych przy kościele.W Polsce jeżeli chodzi o read more…

Myself humming the song (link) when we drove our car almost (about this in another post) do St. Tropez. Of course, most whistled under his breath to the theme of “Gendarme”. Also wanted, but as it flew zapomniełem niestety.Szczerze saying the only reason, read more…