Today, rugby is one of the most important events in Ireland. For myself against arch rivals will, drużyny Leinster in Munster. Duels between these two provinces are very fierce and sometimes brutal. They can be compared to the derby duel between teams in read more…

Irish newspapers praise Captain Tadeusz Wrona, emphasizing primarily, that during the landing "on the belly," none of the 230 pasażerów nie odniósł najmniejszych obrażeń.Relacje zamieściły dzienniki „The Irish Time” oraz „Irish Independent” poświęcając temu wydarzeniu spore teksty. Ten ostatni udostępnił też na read more…

Sure we all associate lion, which opens the movies studios Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and one of its predecessors, Goldwyn Pictures. Everyone knows the roar, who heard, gdy tylko pojawia się na ekranie to logo.Nie każdy jednak wie, że pierwszym żywym lwem w logo firmy MGM read more…

Bang Bang is the sound of the shot, which we used frequently as a child playing with a cowboy. Sometimes I wonder if sometimes it would be easier not to go through life being eternal child?In this way he lived Thomas Dudley called Bang Bang. In the years 50 read more…

The overwhelming power of Halloween traditions of Ireland, writes Alan. Z Polski odpowiada mu Kinga.Nie ma czasu na zadumę, jest zabawa.Mimo że Irlandia jest katolickim krajem, there is no tradition of All Saints, or All Souls' Day. The same feast in the Catholic calendar is, read more…