Minister Alan Shatter sprawiedlowości

Request the Minister of Justice about the possibility of using government aircraft to reach the informal summit of EU justice ministers was rejected.

Mr. Shatter's first minister, he met a 'profession',pl. Travel along with the stay was to last 6 hours, and the cost was to be over 20 000 €. Ministers, who would use government aircraft are required to submit a written request accompanied by the course and the cost of travel if it would take place commercial lines. In this case, the Minister wrote, that to Sopot would have to get flying via Copenhagen and losing many hours there. He also stressed, that worked hard all week and it would be advisable, that an appointment directly leciałby, and not with changes.

As it turned out, flying via Copenhagen to Gdansk lines SAS minister will lose only one hour. And after the summit can go direct connection with Ryanair from Gdansk to Dublin. A trip cost a seven member delegation will only be 3 000 €, and not 20 000 €.

Very good move by the Prime Minister Enda Kennyego. Although he is najczęstrzym government passenger aircraft. He flew in total since March of this year already 53 hours for a total of 195 000 €.