Presidential Seal – wikipedia

Mary McAleese – wikipedia

Mary Robinson – wikipedia

I wondered how it is possible, that in less than two months before the presidential elections in Ireland does not yet known who will compete in elections, How many candidates will. Known is, that ajprawdopodobniej Aras an Uachtaráin in Ireland is no longer a person named Mary. It sounds funny? Not. Over the last 21 years in Ireland, the president was the person named Mary.

Over the last two terms of seven years was governed by Mary McAleese, and in front of her for the next seven years, Mary Robinson. It is interesting, that

presidents in Irladnii are not politicians, a well-known people. The only politician, who was president Eamon de Valera was, controversial Irish freedom fighter (but more on that next time). Typically the president of Ireland is not a person known to the world, His power is very limited

and usually only fully representative function. This changed through the last two ladies Mary. As head of state were recognized and became the image of Ireland in the international arena. It probably returned

All the old rules and the president will only do what is enshrined in the constitution.

It turned out, But that is a candidate, who's name is Mary. Mary Davis – independent kandydadat (do not know yet whether it will be competed), whom no one gives a better chance.